What's Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It
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By Vanika
What's Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It ?
Have you ever felt that intense feeling of self-doubt that makes you question the way you perceive yourself or the way others perceive you?
Did you ever feel like all your work is pure luck and completely discredit all your hard work to finish a particular task?
Or have you ever questioned your place like, “What have I done to be here?”
Are you sensitive to constructive criticism?
If yes, then it might be your Imposter Syndrome speaking and you’re not alone.
What’s Imposter Syndrome?
Imposter Syndrome can be characterized as the feeling of self-doubt often when it comes to things you are good at. It’s a negative self-talk that discredits a person for all the hard work that they have done to accomplish something. This syndrome is often associated with anxiety and depression.
It can manifest in the form of,
- Failure to assess your skills realistically
- Belittling your hard work
- Fear of not living up to the expectations
- Blaming external factors for your success
- Constant self-doubt
- Overburdening yourself with work
- Fear of falling short
It’s important to know that Imposter Syndrome is not a mental disorder but rather a mental phenomenon that seeps out of self-doubt, lack of confidence in one’s abilities and talents, or lack of self-worth. According to research, people from all fields of work, especially women or people of color are often discredited for their hard work by society. feel undeserving of their hard-earned success in things due to this phenomenon.
How to tackle it?
Working hard or trying your best to achieve perfectionism is not the way to overcome Imposter Syndrome but it’s what people who are feeling that way tend to do. Overburdening yourself with work along with the psychological burden would eventually lead to burnout and no efficient results. Rather, try to incorporate the following strategies into your life.
Become conscious of your feelings
It’s good to identify your feelings and struggles. Don’t let them hide inside your mind and talk you into questioning your self-worth. Talk to your loved ones, friends, acquaintances, or any trusted person about your feelings. Let them help you overcome your problems.
Avoid Comparison
Negative self-image often stems out of the comparison you make of yourself and your work to that of your friends and colleagues. It’s important to acknowledge your individuality and understand that you’re unique in your own way and comparing yourself to others would lead to nothing but distress. Recognize your hard work and your unique abilities.
Lastly, try to overcome your self-doubt
Imposter syndrome attacks what you’re at your core. It makes you question if you’re worth the hype that you receive for your abilities. Question the negative self-talk. Ask yourself why you should believe it when the evidence in front of you proves that you’re actually good at what you do? Encourage yourself, and treat all your achievements no matter how big or small with positivity. You have earned it. If your brain clouds your success with doubt, counter-argue. If you’re receiving all the recognition for your work, then how can you not deserve it?
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Tags: #SelfDoubt #ImposterSyndrome #SelfHate #SelfSabotage #Anxiety #Depression #SelfWorth #NegativeSelfImage