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By Ritika
Extrovert and Introvert Personality Traits
What Is an Extrovert?
- The term extrovert describes one aspect of a personality dimension that is characterised by an outgoing and expressive pattern of behaviour and social interaction. Extroverts tend to be gregarious, assertive, warm, active, excitement-seeking, and positive.
- Extrovert are often described as talkative, sociable, action-oriented, enthusiastic, friendly, and outgoing. On the negative side, they are sometimes described as attention-seeking, easily distracted, and unable to spend time alone. Extroverts are also more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviours, including risky health behaviours
- Enjoys being at the centre of attention.
- Enjoys group work.
- Feels isolated by too much time spent alone.
- Likes to communicate by talking
- Likes to talk about thoughts and feelings.
- Looks to others and outside sources for ideas and inspiration.
- Numerous, broad interests.
- Tends to act first before thinking.
Extroverts draw energy from social interactions. People who are extroverts tend to feel excited about spending time with other people. They have a lot of social confidence and tend to have high self-esteem in general. Other people often describe them as sociable, friendly, and talkative.
Common Traits of Extroverts
What are the signs you are an extrovert? The following are five of the key traits common to this type of personality. Understanding your personality type can help you to improve your relationships, better understand your likes and dislikes and strengths and weaknesses, and discover new ways to approach problems.
- You Love to Talk
You don't just enjoy talking to friends, family members, and co-workers; you love to strike up conversations with total strangers. You love to meet new people and learn about their lives. Unlike introverts who tend to think before they speak, extroverts tend to speak as a way to explore and organize their thoughts and ideas.
- You're Inspired by Socializing
Do you tend to feel charged up and inspired after you've spent some time with other people? Extroverts tend to find such social interactions refreshing, and they actually gain energy from such exchanges.
- You Discuss Your Problems
When you are facing a problem, you prefer to discuss the issues and various options with others. Talking about it helps you explore the issue in depth and figure out which option might work the best. After a difficult day at work or school, talking about it with friends or family can help you feel less stressed out.
- You're Friendly and Approachable
Since people with this personality type love interacting with other people so much, others tend to find extroverts likable and easy to approach. At a party, an extrovert will probably be the first one to walk up to new guests and make introductions. Extroverts typically find it easy to meet new people and make new friends.
- You Are Very Open
While introverts are sometimes perceived as closed-off and aloof, extroverts are typically very open and willing to share their thoughts and feelings. Because of this, other people generally find that extroverts are easier to get to know.
What is introvert?
- The word introvert is used to describe someone who tends to turn inward, meaning they focus more on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation.
- The introversion-extroversion dimension is also one of the four areas identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). According to many theories of personality, everyone has some degree of both introversion and extroversion. However, people often tend to lean one way or the other.
- Introverts tend to be more quiet, reserved, and introspective. Extroverts gain energy from social interaction, while introverts expend energy in social situations. After attending a party or spending time in a large group of people, introverts often feel a need to "recharge" by spending time alone.
Causes of Introversion
- Are you born introverted or is it something you become over time? Introverts likely develop due to a combination of both nature and nurture. The way that your body's physiology responds to the outside environment plays a critical role in determining your level of extroversion and introversion.
- On a physiological level, a network of neurons located in the brainstem known as the reticular activating system (RAS) is responsible for regulating arousal levels including wakefulness and transitions between sleeping and waking.
- The RAS also plays a role in controlling how much information you take in while you are awake. When confronted by potential threats in the environment, the RAS increases arousal levels so you can be alert and ready to deal with danger.
- Each person has a basic set point in terms of arousal level. Some people tend to naturally have a much higher set point, while others have a much lower set point.
According to his arousal theory of extroversion:
- 15% of people have a minimal set point, meaning they naturally have low arousal levels.
- 15% of people have a high setpoint, meaning they naturally tend to be more aroused.
- 70% of people lie somewhere in the middle of the continuum.
According to Eysenck's theory, introverts have naturally high levels of arousal. Because of these high arousal levels, introverts tend to seek activities and environments where they can escape from overstimulation. Alone time gives them the opportunity to process and reflect on what they have learned.
Types of introvert
- Social introverts: This type of introvert prefers small vs. large groups of people. They prefer a quiet night at home over a night out.
- Thinking introverts: Introverts in this category tend to spend a lot of time thinking. They are introspective and creative.
- Anxious introverts: Anxious introverts often feel unsettled or nervous around people during social interactions.
- Being Around Lots of People Drains Your Energy
Do you ever feel exhausted after spending time with a lot of people? After a day interacting with others, do you often need to retreat to a quiet place and have an extended amount of time to yourself? One of the major characteristics of this personality type is that introverts have to expend energy in social situations, unlike extroverts who gain energy from such interactions.
- You Enjoy Solitude
As an introvert, your idea of a good time is a quiet afternoon to yourself to enjoy your hobbies and interests. Activities like time alone with a good book, a peaceful nature walk, or watching your favorite television program help you feel recharged and energized.
- You Have a Small Group of Close Friends
One common misconception about introverts is that they don't like people. While introverts typically do not enjoy a great deal of socializing, they do enjoy having a small group of friends to whom they are particularly close.
- People May Find It Difficult to Get to Know YouIntroverts are often described as quiet, reserved, and mellow, and are sometimes mistaken for being shy.
- Too Much Stimulation Leaves You Feeling Distracted
- When introverts have to spend time in activities or environments that are very hectic, they can end up feeling unfocused and overwhelmed. Extroverts, on the other hand, tend to thrive in situations where there is a lot of activity and few chances of becoming bored.
- You Are Very Self-Aware
Because introverts tend to be inward-turning, they also spend a great deal of time examining their own internal experiences. If you feel like you have good knowledge and insight into yourself, your motivations, and your feelings, you might be more of an introvert.
To know more about The Influence of Personality Traits on Behavior and Relationships read here
To know more about The role of nature VS nurture in human development read here
- https://www.verywellmind.com.
- Written by Rikita
Tags: #extrovert #introvert #personalitytypes #personalitytraits #behavior