KFTS Stories

My Experience with Self-Doubt

My Experience with Self-Doubt

I am an overachiever, which resulted in bouts of lingering self-doubt. This self-doubt cultivated anxiety in me. 

My Experience with Self-Doubt

I am an overachiever, which resulted in bouts of lingering self-doubt. This self-doubt cultivated anxiety in me. 

How I Dealt with My Social Anxiety

How I Dealt with My Social Anxiety

Difficulty in connecting with people pushed me into my bubble during high school. 

How I Dealt with My Social Anxiety

Difficulty in connecting with people pushed me into my bubble during high school. 

Better hide that big-ass forehead!

Better hide that big-ass forehead!

I always thought my forehead was too big and hated tying my hair in a ponytail because it made me feel like I’m balding at the front. 

Better hide that big-ass forehead!

I always thought my forehead was too big and hated tying my hair in a ponytail because it made me feel like I’m balding at the front. 

My Experience with Skinny Shaming

My Experience with Skinny Shaming

The desirable Indian body type for women has always been a bit curvy until my generation grew up and super skinny bodies started being perceived as sexy.

My Experience with Skinny Shaming

The desirable Indian body type for women has always been a bit curvy until my generation grew up and super skinny bodies started being perceived as sexy.