Psychology Of LGBTQ+ Community
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By Ritika
Societal attitudes toward homosexuality vary greatly across different cultures and historical periods, as do attitudes toward sexual desire, activity and relationships in general. All cultures have their own values regarding appropriate and inappropriate sexuality; some sanction same-sex love and sexuality, while others may disapprove of such activities in part. As with heterosexual behaviour, different sets of prescriptions and proscriptions may be given to individuals according to their gender, age, social status or social class.
All the terms are used day to day life in a society misappropriately or used as slang by the people.
Today, homosexuality and queer identities may be acceptable to more Indian youths than ever before, but within the boundaries of family, home and school, acceptance of their sexuality and freedom to openly express their gender choices still remain a constant struggle for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people.In urban India, where social media and corporate initiatives have created increasing awareness of LGBT rights, the scenario looks more upbeat for gay men than for transgender people or lesbian women. While urban LGBT voices that are heard through several online and real-world platforms form an important part of LGBT activism, these expose only a small part of the diverse challenges faced by the community.
Far away from gay pride parades, meet-ups and heated discussions on Twitter, families in rural India have their own ways of dealing with LGBT individuals. In some parts, secret honour killings are planned so that the only way for a young gay man to survive is to run away in the cover of the night to some city, with no money or social support.
Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli
In other parts, lesbian women are subjected to family-sanctioned corrective rapes, which are often perpetrated by their own family members. Vyjayanti Vasanta Mogli, a transwoman LGBT activist and public policy scholar at Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Hyderabad, who has openly spoken about her abuse at school, says that lesbian women and transmen in rural areas end up at the bottom of the hierarchy when it comes to basic human rights within the unit of family and village.
Judicial system towards LGBTQ+COMMUNITY
Mental health aspects - were described as variables relevant to understanding individuals’ cognitions, emotions, and behaviour. We searched for literature in online journal databases, in archives of the most prominent journals, on websites of prominent LGBTQIA+ organisations, and through cross-referencing of papers obtained.
What are the psychology of LQBTQ+ COMMUNITY;
Indian LGBT rights activists;
- A lot of catching up is required in India towards mental health issues. The distance is even farther for the LGBTQ when it comes to mental health in the country.
- Despite all the hostilities, the community members thrive and are resilient. All they need is some recognition and love from their families, near and dear ones. Humanity is more important than sexual orientation or the complications surrounding them.
- A meaningful co-existence makes the world more beautiful. LGBTQ people rightfully keep the rainbow as their colour. Many colours make a beautiful rainbow. It is time we recognize these differences and make this world a better place for all.
To know more Challenges in youth life about read here
To know more about The Psychology Of Decision-making: Steps To Decision-Making read here
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