Generalised Anxiety Disorder : An Overview
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By Vanika
Generalised Anxiety Disorder : An Overview
Imagine being surrounded by things that make you anxious constantly. It has taken over your thoughts and actions, gives you panic attacks, makes you overthink everything, and is a constant source of stress. Won't you find that even more anxiety-provoking than usual? That is what it feels like to have Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. It can get triggered by something insignificant such as a change in plans, or a meeting getting cancelled. The anxiousness or nervousness which gets triggered by such minor events tends to remain constant even when the stimulus has changed.
Some common symptoms of GAD are-
- See things as more dangerous/threatening than they are
- Difficulty falling asleep
- Difficulty in getting things done or concentrating
- Constant worrying
- Overthinking, constant nervousness, irritability
- Restlessness
- Muscle tension
- Sweating (including sweaty palms)
- Gastrointestinal issues such as stomachaches, constipation
- Rapid heartbeat
- Jumpy or startled easily
- Numbness, tingling in parts of the body, or other neurological symptoms
- Dry mouth
- Fatigue or exhaustion
It is important to remember that GAD is not the same as anxiety and is a chronic condition that can affect your life immensely. People with GAD often fail to recognize the source of their restlessness whereas anxiety is often associated with a particular stimulus. Other than that, anxiety lasts for a shorter time, and GAD, on the other hand, is a chronic anxiety disorder.
Some common genetic and environmental risk factors of Generalised Anxiety Disorder are-
- Presence of GAD in family history
- Prolonged exposure to stressful situations
- Worsening of anxiety due to too much caffeine or tobacco
- Bullying or any other form of abuse
- Health conditions such as cancer, thyroid
GAD is a chronic disorder; seeking help if you think you’re going through something similar is important. If your daily routine and personal life are getting affected by anxiety, reach for help. Communicate your symptoms to your doctor to determine the treatment approach. Often medications, psychotherapy, or both are used to treat anxiety disorders. Meanwhile here are some suggestions you can implement in your life to relax your anxiety-
Avoid Caffeine
Too much caffeine may disrupt your sleep cycle and be responsible for other physical symptoms such as high blood pressure and rapid heartbeats. It is okay to have some amount of caffeine, but too much of it may make you more anxious than normal.
Try to maintain a healthy living
What you consume sooner or later affects your physical and mental health. Therefore, maintaining a healthy diet can be beneficial. Regular workouts/exercising, eating a well-balanced diet, staying away from substances, and practicing meditation are some things you can do to create a healthy lifestyle.
To know more about relocation of anxiety and how to manage it read here
To know more about THE 3-3-3 rule for coping with anxiety read here
Tags: #AnxietyDisorder #anxious #thoughts #actions #PanicAttacks #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #TriggerPoints #Nervousness #Irritability #symptoms