My Experience with Body Shaming
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By Bhavika
My Experience with Body Shaming
Isn’t it easy to body shame, anyone? Even jokingly people say things like you eat too little for someone who’s your age, you look so weak, you look like a kid, you should eat more. These things are so normalized to say that people do not see any fault in saying these. They fail to recognize how it affects the mental health of another person or how much it impacts the life of another person.
I’ve been skinny-shamed almost all of my life by my relatives, friends, and even my family members. I’ve been at the stage where I used to hate the way my body looks, you know when you don’t even want to look in the mirror because you hate what you see. I used to overeat or don’t eat anything at all. I spent all of my time looking at the perfect body-to-models and wanting to look like them. It affected me so much I used to cry myself to sleep. I have developed social anxiety and always have a fear of judgement.
It may seem like nothing to point out someone's flaws and mock them upon it but it’s not. As I grew up I started to realize that people have normalized skinny shaming so much that to get through it you have to speak up. I started standing up for myself and didn’t let anybody shame me. I started loving my body as it is. I started exercising and eating a proper diet to have a healthy body. I started to love, care and nourish my body. It's a long journey to self heal and I’m halfway through it. It was tough overcoming it all but life goes on and you have to get up and work on yourself, for yourself.
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Tags: #BodyInsecurities #LowConfidence #MentalHealth #PositiveSelfTalk #RecoverHealing #BodyInsecurities #SelfHate #BodyShaming #NeagativeBodyTalk