How to overcome the Impact of Body Dysmorphia on Mental Health
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by Bhavika
The Impact of Body Dysphoria on Mental Health and how to overcome it.
“Nobody is perfect” - It’s a famous quote that you might have heard somewhere but we all want to be perfect in one way or another. Each one of us has some flaws and that’s perfectly fine! But the conflict occurs when we start to obsess over those flaws and compare ourselves with everyone else. Let’s take the example of my friend who suffered from body dysmorphia - She had a crooked nose and every time she looked at herself in the mirror she would only stare at her nose. She started to compare her looks with other people and this did not stop there she started hiding from people and cutting everyone off thinking they would notice her nose and would repel her and it lead to social anxiety and depression but in reality, none of her family or friends ever thought about her nose as a flaw.

To us, our flaws always seem bigger than they are. Body dysphoria is a common disorder that occurs to a lot of people but to avoid the outcome of it you will have to work on yourself. Here are few tips to help you get started on this journey -
- Work on your self-esteem
Start accepting the compliments that you are used to avoiding. If someone says that you’re pretty they mean it. You can ask your close ones what they like about you.
- Focus on the positive impacts of life.
Think about the things you like about yourself rather than the things you don’t like about yourself. Every day write down 3 things you like in physical appearance and 3 things you like about your inner self.
- Get professional help
Getting professional help is good for your mental health as well as physical health. Consulting a therapist is the best thing you can do for your body and mind.
- Accept your flaws
This may seem like a difficult task and It is but avoiding it would only lead to more problems and disorders.
Your flaws make you, you.
to know more about 5 Ways to Develop Self-Acceptance read here
to know more about Journaling Your Way Through Body Dysmorphia read here
References -
Tags: #BodyDysphoria #Impact #MentalHealth #overcome